Meet Miranda Slade, a 23-year-old writer in London. With an active lifestyle in the city, including challenging herself to a 10k run, Miranda eventually started to notice joint pain in her hips and knees. Luckily, a pharmacist pointed Miranda in the right direction and Flexiseq Active became her new partner in crime for maintaining her active hobbies.
I stay active…
mostly doing cardio at the gym. I try and cycle to and from places that are a reasonable distance from my house, although I’m too scared to brave the roads in Central London! Luckily I live in the green utopia that is South East London and prides itself in being close to the Thames Path which has some beautiful cycle routes through the Old Docklands. I also walk (almost) everywhere because I don’t drive.

My joint pain impacted my life because…
I set myself the challenge of running 10k this year. I love working out but often stick to the cross trainer due to the impact of running on my joints – particularly my hips and knees. I had been increasing my distance slowly over time and was chuffed when I managed to run 8k at a consistent pace without having to stop or turning beetroot red. I was so proud of myself, until the next day the ‘Beast from the East’ started blowing icy winds in London. I was walking home from work on a particularly cold evening and suddenly my knee was in agony. I hobbled into work the next day and had to have it elevated for the best part of a week. I was gutted that at just 2km away from my goal distance, my knee was too painful to bend – let alone run on. The freak cold weather we experienced in the first couple of months of 2018 did everything to aggravate my knee pain; it was agony leaving the office and immediately feeling that icy stab of pain.
I stumbled into a pharmacist looking for pain relief…
thinking I would be prescribed painkillers or have to buy an expensive knee compression band. Instead the shop assistant asked if I had heard of Flexiseq.

Within days of using Flexiseq, my knee improved hugely….
I was more comfortable in my everyday life (no longer having to lie down at my desk, scared of bending my knees) and I relaxed into walking longer distances again before I felt ready to face the treadmill once more. I eased myself in with a few sessions on the cross trainer and some swimming and before long I was working my way back up to the longer distance runs that I’d been previously completing.
I feel stronger already….
and with the help of Flexiseq feel at home in the gym again. I’ve switched up my workouts and have been challenging myself by getting back into boxing – a forgotten passion. I’m still aiming towards running my 10k and Flexiseq is helping me on my way to that finishing line.