Shakira once sang ‘my hips don’t lie’ and when it comes to suffering from arthritis, our hips certainly don’t lie. Osteoarthritis occurs commonly in the hips and the stiffness and pain caused can often result in difficulty walking. This week’s Testimonial Tuesday shares four stories of how Flexiseq has helped people get a wiggle back in their hips.
1. Maurice K. Adams
“My pain and stiffness from osteoarthritis in hip and knee relieved within a few days. An incredible advancement in the battle to improve quality of life for sufferers.”
2. Jennifer Bashford
“I bought my first tube of Flexiseq last week and have been applying it to my left hip as described on the website. Already, I am enjoying hardly any pain whereas before walking was extremely painful. I cannot tell you how delighted I am with this product.”
3. John Grove
“I have noticed a great improvement in my hip and shoulders and have managed to reduce my Flexiseq usage to just once a day. My shoulders in particular are pain free, which beforehand were giving me terrific pain just to lift my arms. It really is too good to be true!”
4. Helen Fairlie
“This product has really changed my life. I live in Spain most of the time and could not simply walk along the prom without stopping half a dozen times to rest my knees and hip. I love this gel, so simple to use and most days I have no pain. I forgot to use one morning and I really noticed the difference. I do wish however I could purchase in Spain and so do my Spanish neighbours! Thank you for making me smile again.”