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Kathryn Rimmer – Cutting Out The Joint Pain

Kathryn Rimmer - Cutting Out The Joint Pain
Kathryn Rimmer - Cutting Out The Joint Pain

Kathryn Rimmer has spent her life as a hairdresser and has always loved to be on the move. When joint pain set in, she was worried about how it would impact her life.

But Kathryn was never one to give up and is determined to keep working.

This is Kathryn’s story…

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I’ve been a hairdresser for 52 years. Back in the ‘80s, I was involved with the hair company L’Oreal and then in 1988 I set up my own hair salon. I kept it going until 6 years ago when I sold the business, and now I rent a chair in a salon round the corner from where I live. I’m 69 this year and not ready to stop doing what I’ve loved my whole life

I’ve always enjoyed being active and I often tell people I cannot sit still. I used to have horses and I used to love to run – I’ve even run a New York Marathon in my time. These days I’ve taken up Nordic hiking which is a fantastic all-body workout. You’ll know a Nordic hiker when you see one; we’re the ones that look like we’re skiing without skis, walking along with ski poles which encourage us to use our arms to give a full body workout.

I also volunteer for Macmillan and in the past have volunteered for The Samaritans and a children’s hospice. I’m a big believer in keeping moving. You cannot just sit around, it’s not what we were built for.

Osteoarthritis runs in my family. Both my mum and dad, who are no longer with us, had joint replacements due to osteoarthritis, and my sister – who is five years younger than me – has it in her knee. About 7 years ago I started to feel a bit of stiffness in my fingers. Over time it got gradually worse and the joints started to look a bit bent out of shape. Eventually I got injections in them but I never thought that was going to be a long-term solution.

“It used to be that just touching my joints would be painful but FlexiSEQ has helped so much. FlexiSEQ has started restoring my confidence in my joints.”

Kathryn Rimmer

It did make work harder, I found I couldn’t always rely on my joints to do what I wanted them to. So for example, plaiting hair became really difficult, I would sometimes drop things and unscrewing tops was very hard. Interestingly, when I was working it was manageable, but if I went away on holiday for a couple of weeks – when I wouldn’t be using the joints as much – I felt them really stiffen up and become more painful. I decided it was just something I was going to have to live with, but I wasn’t going to let it stop me.

Then one day I saw an advert on Facebook for FlexiSEQ. I did a bit of reading into it and thought, ‘well, it’s drug-free so it cannot hurt to try’. I ordered some from Amazon and started using it twice a day. I’ve been using FlexiSEQ now for about three weeks and it’s been wonderful. It’s taken away the pain more than anything. It used to be that just touching my joints would be painful but FlexiSEQ has helped so much. FlexiSEQ has started restoring my confidence in my joints.

I’d much rather be using FlexiSEQ than taking loads of painkillers. With FlexiSEQ I’m applying it directly to the joint, while a painkiller has to go through my whole body in order to get to where I need it. I live a relatively healthy life – although I do like a gin and tonic, but who doesn’t – and FlexiSEQ feels like it can be part of that because it’s drug-free.

I’ve been cutting some of my customers’ hair for years so naturally some of them have a bit of joint pain. I’ve been telling them all about FlexiSEQ and one by one they’ve all gone and tried it and loved it. They’ve known me for a long time so they’ve known I’ve had joint problems and they can see the difference FlexiSEQ has made in me. I’ve recommended it to my sister and she ordered some from Amazon. We both love it and have seen huge benefits from FlexiSEQ.

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