9For those suffering with arthritis work can be a daunting prospect. Arthritis Care knows this better than most. They are the UK’s largest organisation working to support people with arthritis. Here are their top six tips for working with the condition:
1. Be open with your employer
Employers appreciate being told about health problems that can impact on work sooner rather than later. It can also help you feel more reassured that you’re not having to bottle things up.

2. Get support from colleagues
It’s up to you how much or little you want to share with your colleagues. But where a health problem has a practical impact on working life, making the people around you aware of your needs can help.
3. Know your legal rights
Anyone with a long-term condition that has a significant impact on their daily living could have rights as a disabled person. That means the employer is obliged to make what is called “reasonable adjustments”. It’s a legal expression that means different things in different workplaces but means that your employer has to make a reasonable effort to allow you to keep your job.
4. Get the support you’re entitled to
As a disabled person you may be eligible for financial and practical support to allow you to do your job. For example, there is a national scheme called Access to Work which will fund travel to work or additional equipment which might be needed in the workplace. So there might be support that you are entitled to but you’re not currently receiving.

5. Be kind to yourself
With arthritis some days are easier than others, try to pace yourself, learn about your needs and limitations. On those harder days try to find ways to adjust and take things easier.
6. Consider your options
The challenges of living with arthritis can prompt people to think about whether their current employment is still right for them. So as well as managing from day to day it’s important you take the time to consider the long term options. When doing that think about your skills and what you enjoy as well as your arthritis.
To find out more about Arthritis Care click here.
Contact Arthritis Care’s free helpline on 0808 800 4050 Monday to Friday, 10:00 – 16:00 or email helplines@arthritiscare.org.uk
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