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10 social media accounts to follow if you’re living with arthritis

10 social media accounts to follow if you're living with arthritis

At Flexiseq we always like to remind people; You Are Never Alone With Arthritis.

In the UK alone, over 10 million people have a form of arthritis and many have taken to the web, including our Facebook page, to share their stories and useful day-to-day tips.

If you’re a regular user of social media, you’ll want to check out these inspirational accounts.

Creaky Joints

Website – CreakyJoints.org 
Twitter – @CreakyJoints
An online community who are living with all forms of arthritis, this site features educational content and a Twitter feed that provides a platform for those wanting to air their frustrations and engage with like-minded people all over the world.

Versus Arthritis

Website – versusarthritis.org
Twitter – @VersusArthritis
This UK charity offers practical advice on how to manage the symptoms of arthritis. Their Twitter feed is full of arthritis-related news, updates on medical studies and links to informative life hack articles.

OA Knee Pain

Website – oakneepain.co.uk/
Facebook – facebook.com/oakneepain/
This Facebook page is pitched at those specifically living with knee pain . It features a stream of articles, tips and news to inspire you to keep moving and even covers surgical advice and sporting equipment suggestions.

Simon Stones

Website – simonstones.com/
Twitter – @simonrstones
Having been diagnosed with idiopathic arthritis as a baby, Simon, who also lives with Crohn’s disease and fibromyalgia, is no stranger to chronic health conditions. An ambassador for those living with invisible illnesses, he draws on his first-hand experience to rally for improvements to the health system.

Arthritis Action

Website – arthritisaction.org.uk
Twitter – @Arthritis_ACTN
This UK charity provides advice, resources and tips on how to live a fuller life with less pain. They share first-person experiences, nutrition tips and arthritis-friendly recipes, myth-busting videos and inspirational content to brighten up your day.

Jo Travers

Website – thelondonnutritionist.co.uk/
Twitter – @LDNnutritionist
If you need some inspiration in the kitchen, then this London-based nutritionist has you covered. She regularly posts meal ideas, nutritional advice and body positive content that motivates you to eat healthily without getting fixated on weight loss.

Chronic Eileen

Wesbite – www.chroniceileen.com/
Twitter – @chroniceileen
Diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis at 29 and also living with osteoarthritis and fibromyalgia, Eileen, is no stranger to pain. As an ambassador for the Arthritis Society in Canada, she uses Twitter to share informative links, articles and nutritional advice.

The Spoonie Mummy

Website – thespooniemummy.com
Twitter – @thespooniemummy
From date night ideas to reviews of children’s books, Natalie Gardner uses social media and her great blog to prove that life as a mother can still be lived to the max even though she has to contend with chronic illnesses, including arthritis. Her posts are open, honest and truly inspirational.

Katie May

Website – ktmy.co.uk/
Twitter – @katieemay1
Katie, 22, was recently diagnosed with arthritis and has been living with ulcerative colitis for over five years. Her blog and social media channels feature great tips on everything from travel to beauty and she also sends a monthly newsletter called Chronically Living, aimed at inspiring a community living with chronic illnesses.


Website – ankyiespon.wordpress.com/
Twitter – @AnkyieSpon
Since being diagnosed with ankylosing spondylitis in 2014, AnkyieSpon has been sharing thoughts, advice and her personal experiences of living with a range of invisible conditions. AnkyieSpon, who also has osteoarthritis, is open about the lows as well as the highs of living with chronic illness. For those times when you feel like no one understands what you’re going through, AnkyeSpon offers an open, unfiltered Twitter feed which will resonate with anyone living with arthritis.

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