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Carrot, ginger and turmeric soup

Carrot, ginger and turmeric soup
Carrot, ginger and turmeric soup

Hearty. Tasty. Low-fat. Warming. Easy to make. That’s five great reasons to make this soup and we haven’t even got to the bit about the apparent anti-inflammatory properties of ginger and turmeric. Yep, studies have shown that turmeric can provide long-term improvement with those living with osteoarthritis.

It makes for a great family meal, is a perfect dinner party starter and, with the help of your office microwave, will have your colleagues jealous at lunch. This soup really does have it all.

We’d love to be able to report that the carrots do indeed help you see in the dark, but afraid that’s just hearsay. Sorry.

Here’s how to make it…

Serves: 4

Carrot, ginger and turmeric soup Image 2

Preparation time: 40 minutes


1 tbsp olive oil

2 tbsp grated ginger

3 garlic cloves, sliced

1 large onion, chopped

1½ tsp turmeric

900ml vegetable stock

500g carrots (preferably organic), sliced

400g can cannellini beans

Pumpkin seeds (optional)


Heat the olive oil in a large pan, add the chopped onion, grated ginger and finely sliced garlic, and fry for 5 minutes until it all starts to soften. Stir in the turmeric and cook for another minute or so.

Pour in the stock, add the sliced carrots, cannellini beans and their liquid, then cover and simmer for 20-25 mins until the carrots are soft.

Turn off the heat, move the mixture into a food processor and blitz until it’s a smooth liquid. Return the soup to the pan and heat through.

Season to taste and if you fancy an extra bit of bite, throw in some pumpkin seeds and serve with naan bread.

Further Reading

Paprika chicken with red lentils and cherry tomatoes

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