We recently ran a competition to coincide with our #LetsGetMoving campaign with Len Goodman to find out how people stay active in the face of arthritis. Of all the entries we received Len chose Jennifer Finn as the winner. But when we caught up with Jennifer she revealed to us an even more amazing story about her determination to keep going and inspire others in the face of arthritis.
I’ve always been active…
My husband and I love walking, we love to travel. Life’s for living. I’ve always had an interest in keeping fit. Both my parents had heart disease so I knew I needed to take care of my health. Keeping active by any means necessary, even something as simple as a walk, can make all the difference.
I got involved in helping others stay mobile in 1980…
I would go with my mother to her heart consultant. By this stage I had done all my health education and exercises courses and was running a few classes in the community. One day my mother’s consultant asked, “what are these courses your mum tells me about?” I told him they’re preventative heart disease exercise courses. So he asked me to come in for ten hours a week to set up a cardiac rehabilitation program.
My arthritis set in….
About 20 years ago. It felt like just a general stiffness in my major joints, shoulders, knees, and hips. I had an idea that it could be osteoarthritis because obviously as we get older there’s wear and tear in the joints.
Initially, I was getting lower back pain…
I went to see the consultant I said I don’t know if the pain’s in my back or in my hips and he said to me, well actually it’s both. Initially, he did steroid injections into my back which actually made the pain tolerable, because with the back and the hip pain it honestly felt like someone was pulling my leg off. Eventually, I had both hips replaced.
My life was back to normal, until…
I was told that I needed a knee replacement. Knowing that knee replacements were not always as successful as hip replacements I decided not to have it and instead focus on strengthening the muscles around the joints. It’s at this point I discovered what I like to call my magic gel!
A friend of mine mentioned…
Flexiseq to me. At the time it was on offer in LloydsPharmacy so I went and brought the one tube to see if it could help. It was amazing!
You should see me in the morning…
Before I put on my Flexiseq I could barely move. My knees often wake me up like an alarm. So Flexiseq is part of my routine, to me, it’s like brushing my teeth. Thanks to Flexiseq and staying active I can keep doing what I love.
I run a group called Keep Moving…
It’s for over 55s and it’s about maintaining your health and fitness and keeping moving so you can enjoy your life. We do circuit exercises, we have fun. It’s a social thing as much as a fitness. I ran a class this morning that had 18 people, when people in my class tell me they’ve got joint pain, it’s normally in their knees, I ask if they’ve tried Flexiseq. I stress I’m not on commission! I’ve got a couple of people who have tried it and are seeing the benefits like me.
Staying active is about…
Living life to its fullest. If you stop moving then it’s a very steep downhill slope. If you don’t use your muscles then they deteriorate very quickly. I tell my classes that staying active and keeping moving can mean the difference between dependence and independence.
Knowing Flexiseq is drug-free…
Is very important as there is no risk of interaction with any medications people may have to take and I tell my groups that they can use it worry-free.
I’ve worked since…
I was 16 years old and at 70 I am still working. I have always had an interest in health and in keeping fit. I believe in the saying, “if you don’t use it, you lose it”. I can’t stop the ageing process but I can and do try to slow it down. Flexiseq helps me through the painful patches which allows me to recharge my batteries and to keep moving.